Lost & Found is a new collection of wallpapers and posters created by Team Hawaii. The inspiration for this collection comes from a fascination for curiosity cabinets, or "wunderkammer" as it is called in German.
The collection consists of a collection of objects, memories and souvenirs. Imagine a mix of no-logic and beauty. Add a little Alice in Wonderland meets the ABC book in a beautiful environment, and then you top this off with a scientific touch, voilá! It will be a dreamy world with a splash of surrealism.
First a poster was created and then it continued with wallpaper. “That is usually the case for us - one thing leads to the other. Once you immerse yourself in a topic, so to speak, images and ideas come to you. The most inspiring thing is to work. And with the curious cabinet as a starting point, it has been so much fun, everything is allowed. ” says Anne Gustavsson from Team Hawaii. The motifs are also available as posters on Photowall.